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(3). Unless, If, When, Until or As Soon As exercise (linker in conditional sentence)

Unless, If, When, Until or As Soon As  (linker in conditional sentence) Unless, If, When, Until or As Soon As are used to explain more about the sentence.  Unless, If, When, Until or As Soon As are used as mentioned below: a. Unless is used to explain about the consequence by giving a warn of negative effect.             You will get bad score unless you study hard.             Unless  you study hard, y ou will get bad score b. If is used to explain about   the consequence by giving a warn of negative or positive effect.             If you study hard, you will get   a good score.             You will get   a good score,  If  you study hard. c. When and As soon As  are used to explain about cause and effect by focusing on the moment.             He will be happy  when you respond his love. d. Until is used to explain about the duration and limit of the action.            I will be here until you come.

(3). Say or Tell exercise

Say or Tell  Both  Say or Tell are used to report information. To distinguish them, we have to check the below explanation.  Say is used to express a statement.                He said " I am confused ". Tell is used to convey or give detail information.       He told me the reason why he was confused was  because he didn't now how to differentiate        the use of say and tell while learning English.

(3). Past Perfect Simple exercise

Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple is event happen before past. We have to know that Past Perfect Simple is commonly used to explain when there are two or more events in the past moment.  Past Perfect Simple is exemplified below: I took a bath ( 6.00 am ) I went to School ( 6.30 am ) From the time mentioned,  I took a bath ( 6.00 am )  is first action happens then we decide it as  Past Perfect Simple. We can combine those sentences below: I had taken a bath then I went to school. Past Perfect Simple is marked by the below formula: S + had + V3   I had taken s had    v3 when  Past Perfect Simple  is combined by past tense , note the below requirement: ____ past perfect simple___ before ___past simple____ ____ past perfect simple____ and ___past simple____ ____ past perfect simple____ then ___past simple____ ____ past perfect simple____ as ___past simple______ ____ past perfect simple____ but ___past simple____ ____ past

(3). Present Perfect Simple Exercise

Present Perfect Simple  Present Perfect Simple is used to tell us about the event starts from the past but relates to the present. Practically,  Present Perfect Simple is used to tell event by focusing whether it has already finished   or not finished yet.  Present Perfect Simple  is marked   by the use of time mentioned as just now, all morning, already, not yet, and recently. Present Perfect Simple is marked by: Present Perfect Simple (singular subject) He  has already done the test  She has  V3....... It has  V3....... Present Perfect Simple (plural subject) I have finished their homework They h ave   V3....... You have  V3....... We have  V3....... LANGUAGE NOTE  *******   Present Perfect Simple is mostly explained and combined by past simple 

(3). Past Simple exercise

Past Simple Past Simple is used to tell the event in past. Past Simple focuses only on past event. Past Simple is also used to tell the habit in the past. Contextually, Past Simple is used to report and recount event. 1. Past Simple is identified by the use of was and were in nominal sentence (no verb). Was for singular subject I was happy after having long holiday last month. She was ... He was ..... It was...... Were for plural subject  You were...... We were ...... They were...... 2. Past Simple is identified by the use of  v 2 (past)  in verbal sentence. I wrote many sentences last night on my blog. They thought about the case happened. 3. Past Simple is identified by the use of VI (past)  in negative and interrogative sentence. Did you write on your blog last night? He did not like reading comic.

(3). Present Simple Exercise

Present Simple Present simple is used to communicate both in written and spoken form in case of telling habitual activity, describing something and explaining diagram, graphic and procedural activity. 1. Present simple is identified by the use of is am are as in the nominal sentence  present tense for singular (1 subject) subject without verb He is...........   She is...........   It is...........   I am...........   present tense for plural (more than 1 subject) subject without verb They are...........   You are...........  We are...........  2. Present simple  is identified by the use of  es / s (for singular subject only)  as in the verbal sentence. He watches...........   She plays...........   It works...........    3. Present simple  is identified by the use of  do not / does not (for singular subject only)   as in the verbal sentence. She does not like reading  They do not come to the party

(4) Would and Used to Exercise

Would and Used to Would and Used to are the words which are functioned to express the habits and repetitive action in the past. But used to in detail tells us about the permanent state and situation such as be, think, love, have, want,  know, believe, like, love, hate, remember, suppose, understand, want, and wish.  

(5). MODAL Verb and Deduction (Probability)

Deduction and Probability  Deduction and Probability are about making prediction about event or situation. The importance is knowing how sure the prediction will happen or probably happen.   If we are really sure about our prediction (80-100%), we use must or will ( cannot or will not for negative sentence) but if we are not really sure of our prediction or doubtful , we use may, might or could.  There are two kinds of deduction and probability such as present and past form. STRONGLY SURE Present form is used for present situation by using this pattern ( must or will   + V1).                Owen always thinks about Oliv.  Owen must love Oliv. Past form  is used for past situation by using this pattern  (Must Have + V3).                                Owen always thought about Oliv.  Owen must have loved Oliv.

(3) First Conditional Sentence Exercise

0  First Conditional Sentence First Conditional Sentence is used to give prediction/probability/possibility toward the event or based on our logic and rationale. First Conditional Sentence has its own rules such as: 1.  First Conditional Sentence uses v1 (based form/present form)     You will fall if you ride carelessly 2. We use IF or UNLESS as the connector. 3. There must be two tenses  PRESENT and FUTURE

(3) Future Prediction ( won't, might, is likely to, will, and might not)

Future Prediction Won't, Might, Is likely to, Will, Will probably, and Might not      will, is likely to, and will probably are used when we are strongly sure about our prediction (80-100%) might, might not, probably won't, isn't likely to, and  won't are used when we are not really sure about our prediction ( less than 80 %). 81-100%                        Will 71-80                             Will probably or is likely to 61-70%                          Might 41-60%                          Might not 21-40                             Probably Won't or Isn't likely to 0%                                 Won't Future Prediction Won't, Might, Is likely to, Will, Will probably, and Might not Exercise isn't likely to          won't         might         is likely to         will         might not  

(5) Cleft Sentence Exercise

Cleft Sentence  Cleft Sentence is used when we want to strengthen and focus on the information in the sentence. Cleft sentence works on W and H forms.  Cleft sentence is also named as the additional clause in the sentence.  Cleft sentence is also used to report the information got.  Cleft sentence is also used to modify the sentence in order to clarify the focus of the information. Try to sense these sentence before you go to the next explanation. I don't like reading at night.  What he doesn't like is reading at night. ( Cleft sentence) To make cleft sentence we have to know the rule as mentioned below: 1. Cleft sentence by using what what ______________________ (things) 2. Cleft sentence by using who (person) who __________________ (person) The person who I miss is Devi who I miss is Devi (incorrect) 3. Cleft sentence by using when ____ when __________________ (time/moment)   The time when I graduated from university was 20

(3) Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple Exercise

1.                 Budiman ___________ some oranges for his brother two days ago. a.        Was bought                       d. Buying b.       Buys                      e. Has bought c.        Bought      2.       When Andre ____________ the principal, Rudi ___________ out of the class. a.        Was meeting, waited d. Met, was waiting b.       Was met, waited      e. Was meeting, waiting c.        Met, was waited 3.       James ___________ at the dog, then he __________ it. a.        Looked, feed        d. Was looking, fed b.       Looked, fed                      e. Was looking, had fed c.        Looked, was feeding 4.       Tommy _________ that fish before. a.        Hasn’t eat              d. Didn’t ate b.       Eaten                     e. Was eat c.        Hasn’t eaten 5.       Maria ____________ physics when Linda ___________ the door. a.        Was studying, opened      b.       Was studying, was opening c.        Studied, opening

(3) Past Simple Vs Present Perfect Simple Exercise

Past Simple Vs Present Perfect Simple Past simple and Present perfect simple have strong relation when taking about action. Before going to the next discussion, we had better now the common use of Past simple and Present perfect simple . Past simple is used to express the past event. Present perfect simple   is used to tell something in the past but still being connected in the present.  The relation between  Past Simple Vs Present Perfect Simple  is to give more explanation between them in sentence by using since and when. I have finished my homework since you were here .  I have been at home when he came . Since you were here (Past simple), this past simple sentence is used to explain (explain the moment or tie when the action done) the first sentence and so does the following example above.

(5) (ability in the past) Be able, Could and Managed to Exercise

Be able, Could and Managed to   Could, Be able and Managed to are used to express ability in the past but the difference is in the moment and situation.  Could is used to express the ability in the general situation (there is no explanation about the moment)  .           I could swim before Be able and Managed  are used in the specific moment.           I was able to stand by my own legs when I was a year. Manage to also used to show the ability o doing something but through   difficult process .    After waiting for hours, finally I managed to see my advisor.   Be able, Could and Managed to  Exercise 0  We couldn't see very well as our seats were a long way from the court. 1  Luckily we ..............................  to catch the last train.